Node Programming For C Devs


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  2. Node Programming For C Devs 2017
  3. Node Programming For C Devs 2
Linked lists are a way to store data with structures so that the programmercan automatically create a new place to store data whenever necessary.Specifically, the programmer writes a struct definition that containsvariables holding information about something and that has a pointer to astruct of its same type (it has to be a pointer--otherwise, every time anelement was created, it would create a new element, infinitely). Each of these individual structs or classes in thelist is commonly known as a node or element of the list.

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One way to visualize a linked list is as though it were a train. The programmer alwaysstores the first node of the list in a pointer he won't lose access to. Thiswould be the engine of the train. The pointer itself is the connector betweencars of the train. Every time the train adds a car, it uses the connectors toadd a new car. This is like a programmer using malloc to create a pointer to anew struct.
In memory a linked list is often described as looking like this: The representation isn't completely accurate in all of its details, but itwill suffice for our purposes. Each of the big blocks is a struct that has apointer to another one. Remember that the pointer only stores the memorylocation of something--it is not that thing itself--so the arrow points to the nextstruct. At the end of the list, there is nothing for the pointer to point to, soit does not point to anything; it should be a null pointer or a dummy node toprevent the node from accidentally pointing to a random location in memory (which isvery bad).
So far we know what the node struct should look like: This so far is not very useful for doing anything. It is necessary tounderstand how to traverse (go through) the linked list before it reallybecomes useful. This will allow us to store some data in the list and laterfind it without knowing exactly where it is located.
Think back to the train. Let's imagine a conductor who can only enter the trainthrough the first car and can walk through the train down the line as long asthe connector connects to another car. This is how the program will traversethe linked list. The conductor will be a pointer to node, and it will firstpoint to root, and then, if the root's pointer to the next node is pointing tosomething, the 'conductor' (not a technical term) will be set to point to thenext node. In this fashion, the list can be traversed. Now, as long as thereis a pointer to something, the traversal will continue. Once it reaches a nullpointer (or dummy node), meaning there are no more nodes (train cars) then itwill be at the end of the list, and a new node can subsequently be added if sodesired.
Here's what that looks like: That is the basic code for traversing a list. The if statement ensures thatthe memory was properly allocated before traversing the list. If thecondition in the if statement evaluates to true, then it is okay to try andaccess the node pointed to by conductor. The while loop will continue as longas there is another pointer in the next. Theconductor simply moves along. It changes what it points to by getting theaddress of conductor->next.
Node Programming For C Devs Finally, the code at the end can be used to add a new node to the end. Oncethe while loop as finished, the conductor will point to the last node in thearray. (Remember the conductor of the train will move on until there isnothing to move on to? It works the same way in the while loop.) Therefore,conductor->next is set to null, so it is okay to allocate a new area ofmemory for it to point to (if it weren't NULL, then storing something else inthe pointer would cause us to lose the memory that it pointed to). When weallocate the memory, we do a quick check to ensure that we're not out ofmemory, and then the conductor traverses one more element (like a trainconductor moving on to the newly added car) and makes sure that it has itspointer to next set to 0 so that the list has an end. The 0 functions like aperiod; it means there is no more beyond. Finally, the new node has its xvalue set. (It can be set through user input. I simply wrote in the '=42' asan example.)
To print a linked list, the traversal function is almost the same. In ourfirst example, it is necessary to ensure that the last element is printedafter the while loop terminates. (See if you can think of a better way beforereading the second code example.)
For example: The final output is necessary because the while loop will not run once itreaches the last node, but it will still be necessary to output the contentsof the next node. Consequently, the last output deals with this. We can avoidthis redundancy by allowing the conductor to walk off of the back of thetrain. Bad for the conductor (if it were a real person), but the code issimpler as it also allows us to remove the initial check for null (if root isnull, then conductor will be immediately set to null and the loop will neverbegin):
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LINQ to XML developers who need to write programs such as an XML editor, a transform system, or a report writer often need to write programs that work at a finer level of granularity than elements and attributes. Download game cooking dash mod. They often need to work at the node level, manipulating text nodes, processing instructions, and comments. This topic provides some details about programming at the node level.

Node Details

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There are a number of details of programming that a programmer working at the node level should know.

Parent Property of Children Nodes of XDocument is Set to Null

The Parent property contains the parent XElement, not the parent node. Child nodes of XDocument have no parent XElement. Their parent is the document, so the Parent property for those nodes is set to null.


The following example demonstrates this:

This example produces the following output:

Adjacent Text Nodes are Possible

In a number of XML programming models, adjacent text nodes are always merged. This is sometimes called normalization of text nodes. LINQ to XML does not normalize text nodes. If you add two text nodes to the same element, it will result in adjacent text nodes. However, if you add content specified as a string rather than as an XText node, LINQ to XML might merge the string with an adjacent text node.

The following example demonstrates this:

This example produces the following output:

Empty Text Nodes are Possible

In some XML programming models, text nodes are guaranteed to not contain the empty string. The reasoning is that such a text node has no impact on serialization of the XML. However, for the same reason that adjacent text nodes are possible, if you remove the text from a text node by setting its value to the empty string, the text node itself will not be deleted.

This example produces the following output:

An Empty Text Node Impacts Serialization

If an element contains only a child text node that is empty, it is serialized with the long tag syntax: <Child></Child>. If an element contains no child nodes whatsoever, it is serialized with the short tag syntax: <Child />.

This example produces the following output:

Namespaces are Attributes in the LINQ to XML Tree

Even though namespace declarations have identical syntax to attributes, in some programming interfaces, such as XSLT and XPath, namespace declarations are not considered to be attributes. However, in LINQ to XML, namespaces are stored as XAttribute objects in the XML tree. If you iterate through the attributes for an element that contains a namespace declaration, you will see the namespace declaration as one of the items in the returned collection.

The IsNamespaceDeclaration property indicates whether an attribute is a namespace declaration.

This example produces the following output:

Node Programming For C Devs 2017

XPath Axis Methods Do Not Return Child White Space of XDocument

LINQ to XML allows for child text nodes of an XDocument, as long as the text nodes contain only white space. However, the XPath object model does not include white space as child nodes of a document, so when you iterate through the children of an XDocument using the Nodes axis, white-space text nodes will be returned. However, when you iterate through the children of an XDocument using the XPath axis methods, white-space text nodes will not be returned.

Node Programming For C Devs 2

This example produces the following output: /steinberg-the-grand-vst-download.html.

XDeclaration Objects are not Nodes

When you iterate through the children nodes of an XDocument, you will not see the XML declaration object. It is a property of the document, not a child node of it.

This example produces the following output: