Dev C++ Mega


Setup releases contains Dev-C in setup form. Portable releases contains Dev-C in zipped form. Use devcppPortable.exe to store configuration files inside the program folder. Compilers contains various compilers compatible with Dev-C. Dev c download for windows 8. Tools contains compiled versions of the tools provided in the Git repository. Apr 27, 2015 So, if you're willing to translate Dev-C into a language or update the existing translation, don't hesitate to open up YourLanguage.lng and start translating/updating, using English.lng as the reference language.

More of a big polishing update this time. From this version on, download names will be more clear too.
Changes - Version - 28 April 2012
  • Function tooltips now properly hide when switching tabs again (regression).
  • One can now select to open nothing and the previously left open files on project reopen.
  • Folds are now only repainted when the gutter is invalidated, reducing flicker.
  • Updated the uncomment function: it now supports any newline standard.
  • Code completion now does not remove too much characters by accident when completing.
  • The debugger now wants you to add debugging symbols instead of ingoring them alltogether.
  • Updated the project templates.
  • The first time configuration window now loads its stuff before showing up.
  • Updated the chinese (Traditional) translations.
  • Tidied up a few other dialogs.
  • Insert, Goto bookmark and Insert bookmark are now disabled when no editor is visible.
  • The status bar is now cleared when no editors are open.

Important notices
  • The options format has changed. If you want to reuse an old pre- config file (NOT recommended), or, more importantly, when you're overriding Compiler Options in your project, you need to re-set these project settings once and save the project. You'll then have an updated project file.
  • This version has GCC built-in instead of being an aditional package. It also contains D3D9/10/11, GDI, Win32 and OpenGL headers and libraries in that flavor.
  • This version is now fully portable. If you also don't want Dev to leave anything behind in the registry, please select 'Portable' or 'Minimal' in the setup options.
  • For ultimate portable programming, please launch devcppPortable.exe located in the main folder of the portable zip download. This will make dev save its configuration files in the same folder as the executable.
  • If you're getting 'Unsupported compression method' errors when extracting the portable version, please update your archiving program. The archive uses LMZA2 compression, which was added to WinRAR 3.91 and 7zip 9.04 somwhere in 2009. The latter is just as free as Dev-C++, so nothing is holding you back to extract it.

The setup which includes MinGW32 can be downloaded here. The setup which includes TDM-GCC x64 can be found here. The Portable zipped version which includes MinGW32 can be downloaded here. The Portable zipped version which includes TDM-GCC x64 can be downloaded here. Lastly, the source code can be found here.
All editions can run on 32-bit Windows.
RC update
The RC8 update can be found here. Its source code can be found here.
Please do NOT collapse any folds before applying this patch!
Changes - Version - *
  • Added a default compiler profile to TDM-GCC downloads to create 32-bit executables.
  • Ctrl+Click code browsing is more accurate now.
  • Added a function to projects which can change the C++/C default choice made when creating the project.
  • Fixed the comment/uncomment function not properly uncommenting single lines(?)
  • Watched variable deleting now does not delete wrong variables anymore.
  • Added TeX formatted code exporting.
  • Updated the Chinese (TC) translations (by cin.getline).
  • Compiling progress now properly updates error and warning count.
  • Warning and error logs are now updated while compiling.
  • Updated the new project window layout and fonts.
  • Fixed insert assuming an initial cursor position of (1;1).
  • Fixed a few code folding bugs regarding collapsing.
  • The mingw32-make.exe location checker now checks all bin directories instead of just the first one.
  • The function tooltip now waits 500ms after the last keystroke before parsing the code instead of parsing on each keystroke.
  • Projects with a lot of files to be opened now open a lot faster.
  • More bug fixes.

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Guide to choose between 32bit and 64bit
  • The 64bit compiler will also run op 32bit computers. Not problem at all.
  • The 64bit compiler can do everything the 32bit compiler can, including creating standard 32bit executables.
  • The 64bit compiler can do stuff the 32bit compiler can't, like creating 64bit executables. It also comes with a lot more headers and libraries.
  • There is no single reason to download the 32bit version except for maybe file size, marginally longer compiling time, or in case you have to use that specific compiler for any reason (regression problems for example).
Guide to compile for 32bit using TDM-GCC x64
  • To force 32bit on all new projects and non-project compiles, go to Tools >> Compiler Options >> Settings >> Code Generation and set 'Pointer Width' to 32bit.
  • To force 32bit on already created projects, go to Project >> Project Options >> Compiler >> Code Generation and set 'Pointer Width' to 32bit.
  • Now open Tools >> Compiler Options >> Directories >> Libraries. Change the path ending with 'lib' to point to a folder called 'lib32' next to it.
  • Done!
  • Alternatively, one can create a 32bit and 64bit config based on one installation of TDM-GCC x64. Go to Tools >> Compiler Options and create a new set called TDM-GCC 4.6.1 32-bit for example. Copy all settings in the General tab from the x64 set. Then, for that compiler, set the settings described above to your 32-bit configuration. This way, you don't have to install two compilers!


Keep up with the latest ArduPilot related blogs on!

ArduPilot (sometimes known as APM) is the leading open source autopilotsystem supporting multi-copters, traditional helicopters, fixed wing aircraft, rovers, submarines and antenna trackers.

We pride ourselves on being versatile (rich in features with support for a large number of flight controllers, sensors and frame types), trusted (reliable and predictable) and open (both in terms of software and in our team’s organisation and governance).

The source code is developed by a group of voluteer and profession (i.e. paid) developers who, along with our users and Partners, make up the ArduPilot Community.

Getting Involved¶

New developers are always welcome! The best way to start is to:

  • read this wiki to learn the basics of the software and how the team works
  • get involved with the other developers by posting on the Developer Team Forum, chat to us on Gitter or join the weekly development call. You can also find a large number of users and some developers in the ArduPilot facebook group. All channels are open to all. Lurk for a while to get a feel for it, then participate!
  • find a specific bug you’d like to fix or a feature you’d like to add (check out the good first issues, recent issues from Randy or our roadmap for ideas).
  • fix the bug in your own clone and test that it’s working
  • submit the change to the main code base via a pull request.

Why the name?¶

The ‘Ardu’ part of the ArduPilot name comes from Arduino. The original APM1 and APM2 boards were based around theArduino development environment and AVR CPUs. We long ago outgrew these boards so we recommend users use one of the many more capable boards found on our Autopilot Hardware Options page including the Pixhawk.

A timeline history of ArduPilot can be found here.

Supported boards¶

The Autopilot Hardware Options page provides an overview for all the supported controller boards, includingPixhawk, The Cube,Pixracer, NAVIO2, Bebop2, etc.

To get going quickly please consider purchasing one of the ready-to-fly vehicles including the very low-cost SkyRocket/SkyViper drone.

The ArduPilot source code includes the AP-HALhardware abstraction layer, making it relatively easy to port the code to awide range of autopilot boards. See this blog postfor more information on the move to AP-HAL.

Project List¶

The ArduPilot system is made up of (or relies upon) severaldifferent projects which are listed below. Those marked with an asterix(*) are peer projects that have their own owners outside the coreArduPilot dev team.

Dev C++ Free Download

  • Plane (wiki,code) - autopilot forplanes
  • Copter (wiki,code) - autopilot formulticopters and traditional helicopters
  • Rover (wiki,code) - autopilot forground vehicles
  • Sub (wiki,code) - autopilot forsubmersible vehicles
  • Antenna Tracker (wiki,code) - for automatically aiming an antenna at a vehicle
  • Mission Planner (wiki,code) - the mostcommonly used ground station written in C# for windows but also runson Linux and MacOS via mono
  • APM Planner 2.0 (wiki,code) is a groundstation specifically for APM written in C++ using the Qt libraries
  • MAVProxy- command line oriented and scriptable ground station (mostly used by developers)
  • DroneKit - APM SDK for apps running on vehicles, mobile devices and/or in the cloud.
  • MinimOSD (wiki,code)- on-screen display of flight data
  • Tower (wiki,code, google play)- android ground station
  • QGroundControl* is an alternative ground station written in C++ using the Qt libraries
  • PX4* - designers of the original PX4FMU hardware (from which the Pixhawk was developed)
  • MAVLink* -the protocol for communication between the ground station, flightcontroller and some peripherals including the OSD. A “Dummy’s Guide” toworking with MAVLink ishere.
  • UAVCAN* -Lightweight protocol designed for reliable communication in aerospace and roboticapplications via CAN bus. ArduPilot is using the Libuavcan,which is a portable, cross-platform library written in C++ with minimal dependency on the C++ standard library.

Dev C++ Full Mega

How the team works¶

  • Our annual developers conference is held in Feb/March in Canberra Australia (2018 annoucement).
  • The source code for ArduPilot is managed using git on
  • Pre-compiled firmware for supported autopilot boards is available from
  • User support is available on the forums.
  • The ArduPilot automatic test system shows the test status of each commit. It’s described here.
  • Bug tracking and open issues are tracked using the github issues system
  • Vehicle onboard parameter documentation for copter, plane and rover is auto-generated from the source code

Development languages and tools¶

The main flight code for ArduPilot is written in C++. Support tools arewritten in a variety of languages, most commonly in python.


ArduPilot (including Copter, Plane, Rover, Antenna Tracker and MissionPlanner) isreleased as free software under the GNU General Public Licenseversion 3 or later. See License overview wiki page here.

Didn’t find what you are looking for?¶

If you think of something that should be added to this site, pleaseopen an issue for the wiki.

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Full Table of Contents¶

  • Downloading the code / Using Git
  • Building the code
  • Editors & IDEs
  • Learning the code
    • EKF
  • Simulation & Testing
    • SITL Simulator
      • Setting Up SITL
      • Examples of using SITL by Vehicle
    • HITL Simulators
    • Autotest Framework
  • Debugging
    • Logs
    • Debugging with GDB
  • Contributing Code
  • MAVLink Interface
  • CAN and UAVCAN
  • Companion Computers
    • ODroid
    • ROS
  • ROS
  • Advanced Hardware Info
  • MAVProxy Developer GCS
  • RTF Vehicle Developer Information
  • How The Team Works
  • Wiki Editing Guide
  • Appendix
    • Wiki Editing Guide
    • Archived Topics
      • Advanced Configuration Settings
      • Mission Planner Terminal
      • Building for APM2.x with Make (Win, Mac, Linux)
      • BeaglePilot Project